REKRUTMEDAN.COM - LOWONGAN KERJA MEDAN SEPTEMBER 2024 - Selamat berjumpa kembali dengan www.rekrutmedan.com sumber informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terupdate dan terpercaya.

Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia, PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia was established within the framework of the Foreign Capital Investment Loan No. 1 year 1967, based upon notarial deed No. 40 dated September 7, 1961 of Professor Meester Raden Soedja, public notary in Jakarta. The deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice in his decision letter No. J.A 5/98/22 dated September 21, 1961 and was published in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 97 dated December 5, 1961, Supplement No. 650. The company is further established to be a management company for the SIPEF Group, Jabelmalux Group, and PT. Agro Muko activities in Indonesia and is managing about 66.303 hectares of oil palm plantations and rubber in Sumatera. The Medan Office is the centre of activity of the SIPEF Group in Indonesia, located in Gedung Forum 9, Jalan Imam Bonjol No.9, North Sumatera. The office manages and controls the agricultural developments, engineering, marketing, human resources and finance and administration for 20 oil palm estates, 6 rubber estates, 5 crude palm oil factories, and 3 rubber factories. More than 12.000 people employed by these companies.

Saat ini kami membuka Lowongan kerja untuk ditempatkan pada posisi berikut.

Posisi :

Senior Manager Agronomy

The successful candidate should possess:

  • Excellent technical skills in oil palm agronomy with specific reference to the areas of Palm Health & Nutrition, Pest & Disease management, Water management, and Nursery Management.
  • Well-developed people management, communication & organizational skills, to allow for effective coordination of the Agronomy team across our 3 areas of operation.
  • A minimum of 10 years of direct experience in Oil Palm agronomy.
  • A university education, with preference given to agricultural subjects.
  • The position will be based in the Head Office in Medan and will require frequent travel to operational sites located in North Sumatra, Bengkulu Region & South Sumatra.
  • An enthusiastic approach to work with an innovative character and the willingness to adapt to change.
  • Previous experience with Agrisoft OMP software would be beneficial.
  • The ability to communicate in both Bahasa Indonesia and English would be advantageous.

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Cara Melamar 

Bila Anda berkeinginan dan punya minat bekerja dengan kualifikasi di atas  buat lamaran secara lengkap.

Kirimkan CV terbaru anda : DAFTAR

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